Thursday, May 26, 2005

Facing your own irrelevance

As I sit here, listening, watching the first band, and waiting for my time slot I gaze about the room... The geeky sweet singer has a draw,
her father watching adoringly... They refer to muppets and bunnies, no
'cool kids' of yore, these are geek kids, this is geek rock, adequately
done, but not much to blog home about.Yet I gaze about the room bemused. The flyers, emails, myspace invites, etc. Seem to have fallen on wearied eyes. Even my 'BFF' would rather watch the tube than hang here with me... So I look around, and realize
that Barry is with Scott, Tina and her friend came for Greg, Doug's
friends from Tres Hombres are coming to hang with him... And me, your
illustuous lead singer, in her sparkly silver shrug, blogs alone.

I am irrelevant... Now how pathetic is that? The worst thing is that no one will comment, although I don't much care. I only really care that
I'd have someone to hang with.

Ah well, it's my turn to rock.
Blog on (sent via sidekick, forgive any typos)


keeper250 said...

Girlie Poo you are so crazy ..hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Dear Nettesis,

I am dropping by to say hi. You should visit me on line. I visit you on my space but you don't update there anymore. So Hi.
